PPEU/Board Candidates
Board Candidates for PPEU 2014
If you want to become a Board Member of PPEU when it is founded in March 2014, please enter your name and other data in the list below until the 13th of February 2014 (This arbitrary date was set to allow the parties to make up their minds about which candidates to support by nomination. Any party may also sponsor candidates which are not listed on this page or enter their candidacy after the 13th.).
As candidates may only be nominated by Pirate Parties, you will only be an official candidate for a position in the Board of PPEU, if at least one Pirate Party which will be a founding member of PPEU is sponsoring you until the 20th of February 2014.
Each Pirate Party may sponsor several candidates and candidates from other Pirate Parties (which is also heavily encouraged).
If you want to know what you will have to do after successfully candidating for the Board of PPEU, please take a look at Art. 16 ff. of the Statutes of PPEU.
Candidates for Chairperson of PPEU
Name/Picture | Pirate Party | Why me? | Media | Nominating PP |
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PP-SE | Currently in the European Parliament for PPSE
The board of PPSE nominated Amelia here: http://lists.pp-international.net/pipermail/pp-eu.coordinators/2014-February/000290.html |
![]() Giuseppe Cossalter |
PP-IT | You've probably never heard about me, so I'll try to explain you why I am in this table.
First of all: my name is Giuseppe Cossalter, nickname Lanta, 22 years old from Italy. I joined PP-IT about a year ago, I took part at both national meetings (Milan, Florence) and I tried to attend also other assemblies (Bologna, Padua, etc.). On the personal side, when I was 19 I started my own IT business in the city where I live (Vicenza); anyway I always find time and ideas to contribute. 6 months ago, for example, I wanted to bring you all for a meeting on a real galleon in Venice, but the costs were too high. Today I'm trying to estabilish a european/international Pirate Day, to give our marketing a boost and to spread our ideas. I love free software, bitcoins and Diaspora*. I also like to travel, of course. Nominated by votation on the italian Liquid Feedback. I'm not a lawyer and I've nothing more than anyone of you, I just think that we can do great things together. |
PP-IT[2] |
Candidates for Vice-Chairperson of PPEU (2 are needed!)
Name/Picture | Pirate Party | Why me? | Media | Nominating PP |
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PP-SE | Currently in the European Parliament for PPSE
The board of PPSE nominated Amelia here: http://lists.pp-international.net/pipermail/pp-eu.coordinators/2014-February/000290.html |
Nominated by Board of PP Belgium. Since Prague 2012, I actively attend many meetings around Europe : Barcelone, Rome, Paris, Zagreb, Warzow or Luxembourg. All my motivation to be a pirate in Belgium is because of the international aspect of the pirate mouvement. Last year in april i've helped PP Croatia during last two week of EU campaing in Rijeka & Zagreb. I speak french, flemish or english and of course, i'm living in Brussel. I'm project leader at Ministry of Finances since ten years en board member of Pirate Party Belgium since nearly two years and alternate board member of PPI since last year GA. | |||
![]() Anders Kleppe |
PP-NO | Anders has decades of experience from family-politics as an activist and has been a member of the first Pirate Party (PPSE) since 2007 and took part in the first successful Pirate Party start-up in Norway in 2012.
He built international pirate contacts a few months after the startup of PPNO in June 2012. The Warsaw Conference was the first time PPNO entered the PPEU-process with an official representation with Anders presenting the proposal for the PPEU-budget in Warsaw. His academic achievements is a BSc NHH (Norwegian School of Economics) BA&E with an IT-Strategy concentration and an MsC BA&E NHH , International Business major and Marketing minor. Thesis: BSc "How to engage customers in active participation in Pension- and Life Insurance funds with Digital Technology" - In cooperation with DnB ASA. MSc: "Identifying Performance Factors in a Chinese EIJV: An Assessment of Changing Strategic Modes" - in cooperation with Elkem ASA, focusing on political and judicial external factors in an European EIJV with a Chinese partner. Professions: Maintenance steel- and concrete constructions, Oil & Gas, Offshore. Project Manager for a major international shipping software project, project-name AgencyGlobe, and IT-coordinator in the shipping industry. Been doing computers since 1980 and became an IT manager in 1985 in a major supply chain company, as a 19 year old. In the days file-sharing was sharing software on cassettes (datasettes) and in a time when you had to make your own software to chat and the greatest music was listening to datasettes on audio-devices. Some things definitely improved; Code, Hardware and Electronica. A candidate from a non-EU-member Pirate Party who thinks it is important for PP-EU to emphasize that it is a Party for European Pirates, and not solely EU-Pirates. |
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![]() Fabián Plaza |
PP-CAT / PP-GAL / PP-ESCON | My name is Fabián Plaza Miranda. I'm a Spanish Pirate, 40, married and father of an adorable 3-month-old little girl.
I'm a Lawyer and a semi-professional writer. As a Lawyer, I'm specialized in International Law and IT Law. For some time, I prepared the exams for the Spanish Diplomatic Service. I have a Degree in International Studies and a Master's Degree in Studies of Eastern Asia. I'm the founding partner of an IT-related Law Firm in Spain (www.arrobalex.com). As a writer, I've published several novels, short stories, opinion pieces and even an educational guide on international relations (http://www.editorial-club-universitario.es/libro.asp?ref=4870). I've received some important literary awards (such as being finalist for the 2010 Minotauro Sci-Fi Award: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Minotauro), with works centered on political science-fiction. I've written articles for PP-CAT, PP-GAL and the Spanish Pirate Confederation. I've also been a contributor for “The Pirate Times” (http://piratetimes.net/author/taocat/). Being a writer myself allows me to stop any criticism against the Pirate movement in the lines of “you don't think of the artists' well-being”. Of course, as a writer I do care about that! I just don't accept that this well-being means the rest of the people has to lose their Civil Rights. I speak fluent Spanish, Catalan, English and French. My Italian is quite decent too. Some years ago, I was also able to have a conversation in German, but I have forgotten most of it; I should dust it off. I've been appointed a couple of times as a candidate for PP-CAT and PP-GAL. Now, I'm also the second candidate for the Spanish Pirate Confederation in the upcoming European Elections (http://piratas2014.eu/candidates/22). I'm currently applying for Vice-Chairperson or Member of the Board in PPEU. The reason for this is that, as you may see above, my profile is quite adequate for an international structure based on the defense of Civil Rights and new technologies. That's why I'm putting these skills at your service. |
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PP-DE | Because PPEU is my baby (in a way) and I want to make sure that it thrives. Right now I'm authorized to work on the creation of the PPEU for the German Pirates and help with European Coordination. I'm also a candidate for the elections of the European Parliament for PP-DE, but due to my position it is not very likely that I will be a Parliamentarian. Therefore I will have the necessary time to take care of PPEU then. | ||
PP-FR | About future : I want to contribute to the Pirates movement at the European level. I have made my best to actively contribute to the PP-EU and other international meetings, and to help fix things when needed. I hope you will give me the occasion to do more, and that we can increase our cooperation and develop the European Pirates idea.
About present : Right now I have no official position in the PP-FR and I plan not to run for one. If I am elected I would be dedicated to the PP-EU work. I speak French, English, and a little bit of Spanish. AFK, I am a computer engineer that develop video games for a living. About past : I joined Pirate Party in 2009. I guided PP-FR into running candidate in its first election where we gathered 2%. Between 2010 and 2012 I have been Board member, Chairman and Co-Chairman. In 2012 we managed to have PP-FR present a hundred candidates to the National Assembly election, and reached more than one thousand members. After the October 2012 internal reform, I progressively disengaged from PP-FR, and focused on animating the International team and contribute to PP-EU. |
Didier Urschitz |
PP-Fr | By conviction
Although PP EU is not my baby (as Martina says gently), I am CONVINCED that PP EU is our future. Only an united European Party could conterballance the present intergovernemental politics. This party needs organisation, strategy and a large public oriented communication policy ; I have some relevant experience in theese domains. By appropriate competencies I am dealing in my present job with the consequences of internet’s evolution on our future. Open source, open data, free internet and so on, are just a big door widely openned to new politics : But we are still on the doorway...and I am willing to go inside ! I am almost sixty, a scientific mind, and I have developed some kind of usefull intellectual mechanism : I know how to capture unusual ideas and how to translate them into unexpected domains and situations; I generally manage to "undisciplinarize" a complex problem. By personnal qualities I have a multicultural origin (born in Romania, mother Hungarian, father Austrian) and background (from 10 to 35 at East, from 35 to 60 at West) and I have a solid general culture (literature, arts). I have a certain ease in networking and conversing with persons of various social status. I am always attentive to cultural specificities and differences and I know well European particularities. I am currently speaking five and a half languages (guess which is the half ? :) Practical information I joined PP FR in autumn 2012 ; I will be candidate for the next EU Parliament elections in France. I do not believe in miracles ; I do this to assure a better visibility to our party ; If Europe needs France to go on, France needs Europe to change herself. |
not nominated | |
Cédric LEVIEUX | PP-FR | Currently at the National Coordination Board of the PP-FR (since November 2012) | PP-FR [4] | |
![]() Giuseppe Cossalter |
PP-IT | You've probably never heard about me, so I'll try to explain you why I am in this table.
First of all: my name is Giuseppe Cossalter, nickname Lanta, 22 years old from Italy. I joined PP-IT about a year ago, I took part at both national meetings (Milan, Florence) and I tried to attend also other assemblies (Bologna, Padua, etc.). On the personal side, when I was 19 I started my own IT business in the city where I live (Vicenza); anyway I always find time and ideas to contribute. 6 months ago, for example, I wanted to bring you all for a meeting on a real galleon in Venice, but the costs were too high. Today I'm trying to estabilish a european/international Pirate Day, to give our marketing a boost and to spread our ideas. I love free software, bitcoins and Diaspora*. I also like to travel, of course. Nominated by votation on the italian Liquid Feedback. I'm not a lawyer and I've nothing more than anyone of you, I just think that we can do great things together. |
![]() Tomasz Slowinski |
PP-PL | I'm vice-president of the Polish Pirate Party and an activist in the pirate community. I have extensive political experience - having worked, among others, as advisor to the Polish Minister of Transport and an assistant to a MEP here in Parlamen. I'm going to take part in the elections to the European Parliament on behalf of the Polish Pirate Party. I'm interested in human rights issues and Eastern politics (Eastern Partnership), particularly the relationship with the Ukraine and its possibility of integration with the European Union. Because of my profession I also take interest in the issue of copyright and its reform. As I have always been driven by a great passion in everything I do, I believe I would be an excellent candidate for the Board of the European Pirate Party, being a great representative of not only Poland but also the countries of the so-called New Union! |
Candidates for Treasurer of PPEU
Name/Picture | Pirate Party | Why me? | Media | Nominating PP |
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Pirate. Free man. Polish Pirate Party Chief "on the Board". I can tell that PP-EU is a little bit like my child. I'm in forming process of PP-EU since it's beginning in Prague 2012 (I was a part of small group that started negotiating and made statement that we need and want PP-EU). I was participating in conferences in Manchester and Paris, and organizing the conference in Warsaw (when we prepared Warsaw Declaration and finished Statues - what was great success). In Pirate movement since 2007. Co-Founder (1 of 3) of Polish Pirate Party since 2010. Actually (since May 2013) Chairman of Polish Pirate Party and alternate Board Member of PPI (since Kazan conference 2013). Organizer of first AntiACTA protests in Poland in 2010. I'm not taking part in election to Europarlamnet 2014 so I have more time than most of other people. I have participated in developing PPEU-Statues and PPEU-Manifesto. Financially I am independent, so I could pay for most of my expenses on my own. Once in a 6 weeks I'm visiting Belgium due to my company duties so I can do it more often if need for PP-EU. Professionally I have strong financial, accounting and business IT background. Currently I have my small company working on optimizing business processes within other companies. Before I was IT Manager and Director for big construction and hotel management company. I was also consultant for ERP in financial systems implementation. I have strong international finance background while working as financial advisor and stock broker and I've started my professional career as an accounts in one of the biggest advertising agency in the world (Ogilvy group). All this time - since I've sold my first IT project when I was 14 (:)) I was also working a lot with open source communities making some free codes, software and taking part in a lot of translations. (Joomla Developer Team, Mozilla developer and tester). As a Pirates, as a Europe Citizens we have to unite to win the chellange, to have real European society with real freedom within. Some private and professional background:
Know 6 languages (Polish, English, Deutch, Swedish, French and Russian).
American football player with 3 times national championship, passionste runner Traveler with a passion of life. INFORMATION WANTS TO BE FREE! |
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I am applying to be elected as a Member of the Board (treasurer). I had the opportunity to visit many countries in my life and I can also be found capable of coping with their language. Since my first General Assembly chairman’s job in 2011 in Friedrichshafen, I have accompanied the International Pirates Movement continuously. For the PPEU foundation process I worked in many international conferences since 2012, such as in Prague (CZ), Aarau (CH), Barcelona (CAT), Rome (I), Manchester (GB), Paris (F), Warsaw (PL) and Luxembourg. I have participated at several online-meetings for developing PPEU-Statues and PPEU-Manifesto. Financially I am independent, so I could pay for my expenses on my own. It will be an extraordinary challenge to organize all necessary structures for our new PPEU and would mean a great honor to me to take on this task. I am a professional accountant, so I know what that task means. To unite the international Pirates movement is a challenging goal that will make us stand together. Europe should be a continent without borders – Pirates should work together without borders. Something about me: Within the international movement:
PP-CAT | |
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PP-DE, PP-SE, YP-DE, YP-AT, YP-SE, YP-FR | I am Florian Zumkeller-Quast, nickname branleb, and currently the chairperson of the german Young Pirates organisation Junge Piraten, chair for which I will not run again on the 16th of March 2014. I started actively contributing to the pirates in 2009 and applied for a membership in 2010. I have always had my focus on getting things done, during my two terms as member of the state-level board of the Pirate Party in Baden-Württemberg where we managed for the first time to actually gain votes in a German election after 2009, and also during my two terms as chairperson of Junge Piraten. The administration is working flawlessly, we managed to set up and improve procedures and workflows to get everything done in time with good results.
One of the projects during my term as chair was the process of setting up the Young Pirates of Europe as an paneuropean Pirate youth organisation. As you probably know, we managed to found it last summer in Sweden. Me being strongly active in the founding process of YPE and their first steps, in addition to my duties as chairperson, was the main reason for why I haven't been more actively involved in the PP-EU founding process so far.
Candidates for Member of the Board of PPEU without an appointed office (0 to 5 may be elected)
Name/Picture | Pirate Party | Why me? | Media | Nominating PP |
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PP-DE | I get things done :) | ||
PP-BE | Nominated by Board of PP Belgium. Since Prague 2012, I actively attend all the meetings around Europe : Barcelone, Rome, Paris, Zagreb, Warzow or Luxembourg. All my motivation to be a pirate in Belgium is because of the international aspect of the pirate mouvement. Last year i've helped PP Croatia during last two week of EU campaing in Rijeka & Zagreb. I speak french, flemish or english and of course, i'm living in Brussel. I'm project leader at Ministry of Finances since ten years, board member of Pirate Party Belgium since nearly two years and alternate board member of PPI since last year GA. | |||
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PP-DE | Nominated by the YPE, I want to represent young Europeans in the PPEU Board and foster ties between the party and its youth organization. Also, due to my cultural background, I can contribute to creating a strong link between active PPs with many members (and/or deputies) and PPs from the Balkans (both EU-members and accession candiates). Along these lines, I think, we can uphold our promise to be and act like a truly transnational, European-focused party. | ||
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PP-DE | I am applying to be elected as a Member of the Board without an appointed office. I have been travelling around the world ever since. Already as teenager I visited almost all Western European States and after the end of the cold war I did start visiting a lot of Eastern European States as well. From the polar circle in Sweden and Finland down to Gibraltar (even crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Ceuta on the African continent), from Ireland to the Russian border to Finland, Turkey, Estonia, jumping over the border of our continent to countries like Egypt - you name it. I like to travel and I like to be emerged with the people living there in all these foreign countries with the variety of cultures which I always consider as a great and priceless experience.
Having said this I would like to mention that, starting in 2004, I was transferred from the German Armed Forces, where I work as a civilian in the field of Electrical Engineering, for one year to Ottawa, Canada and for more than 4 years to Washington D.C. in the US. I don't want to miss the experience on the North American Continent, where I e.g. was able to visit all 50 States, but looking back there is one big wish for Europe, since every trend that starts in the US seems eventually to jump over ‘the pond’: I don't want to see the capitalism of the United States coming together with a thoroughness, like for instance we Germans are well known for. With this combination there is a risk that we get a much colder society and a much rougher capitalism as we have ever experienced or imagined. It's dangerous when the power of money becomes much more powerful than every other value in our societies. Almost every political topic especially we pirates put on our agenda is more or less driven by the influence of capital. I would like to fight against this threat, and I believe I can do this on a broader scale as a member of the board of the “European Pirates”, the PPEU. I have been very active within the German Pirate Party (as it can be seen on my webpage) and just became a member of the Danish Pirate Party. I am looking forward becoming a member of the Pirate Party of Canada. Beside my mother language, which is German, I speak English fluently. Living close to Denmark with many relatives in Denmark I am able to communicate in Danish as well, which also makes it easier to communicate with people from Sweden or Norway. French is the 4th language I learned in my life, but with abilities on a much lower scale :-). |
not nominated | |
![]() Anders Kleppe |
PP-NO | Anders has decades of experience from family-politics as an activist and has been a member of the first Pirate Party (PPSE) since 2007 and took part in the first successful Pirate Party start-up in Norway in 2012.
He built international pirate contacts a few months after the startup of PPNO in June 2012. The Warsaw Conference was the first time PPNO entered the PPEU-process with an official representation with Anders presenting the proposal for the PPEU-budget in Warsaw. His academic achievements is a BSc NHH (Norwegian School of Economics) BA&E with an IT-Strategy concentration and an MsC BA&E NHH , International Business major and Marketing minor. Thesis: BSc "How to engage customers in active participation in Pension- and Life Insurance funds with Digital Technology" - In cooperation with DnB ASA. MSc: "Identifying Performance Factors in a Chinese EIJV: An Assessment of Changing Strategic Modes" - in cooperation with Elkem ASA, focusing on political and judicial external factors in an European EIJV with a Chinese partner. Professions: Maintenance steel- and concrete constructions, Oil & Gas, Offshore. Project Manager for a major international shipping software project, project-name AgencyGlobe, and IT-coordinator in the shipping industry. Been doing computers since 1980 and became an IT manager in 1985 in a major supply chain company, as a 19 year old. In the days file-sharing was sharing software on cassettes (datasettes) and in a time when you had to make your own software to chat and the greatest music was listening to datasettes on audio-devices. Some things definitely improved; Code, Hardware and Electronica. A candidate from a non-EU-member Pirate Party who thinks it is important for PP-EU to emphasize that it is a Party for European Pirates, and not solely EU-Pirates. |
PP-NO | |
Cédric LEVIEUX | PP-FR | Currently at the National Coordination Board of the PP-FR (since November 2012) | * PP-FR [4] | |
![]() Fabián Plaza |
PP-CAT / PP-GAL / PP-ESCON | My name is Fabián Plaza Miranda. I'm a Spanish Pirate, 40, married and father of an adorable 3-month-old little girl.
I'm a Lawyer and a semi-professional writer. As a Lawyer, I'm specialized in International Law and IT Law. For some time, I prepared the exams for the Spanish Diplomatic Service. I have a Degree in International Studies and a Master's Degree in Studies of Eastern Asia. I'm the founding partner of an IT-related Law Firm in Spain (www.arrobalex.com). As a writer, I've published several novels, short stories, opinion pieces and even an educational guide on international relations (http://www.editorial-club-universitario.es/libro.asp?ref=4870). I've received some important literary awards (such as being finalist for the 2010 Minotauro Sci-Fi Award: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Minotauro), with works centered on political science-fiction. I've written articles for PP-CAT, PP-GAL and the Spanish Pirate Confederation. I've also been a contributor for “The Pirate Times” (http://piratetimes.net/author/taocat/). Being a writer myself allows me to stop any criticism against the Pirate movement in the lines of “you don't think of the artists' well-being”. Of course, as a writer I do care about that! I just don't accept that this well-being means the rest of the people has to lose their Civil Rights. I speak fluent Spanish, Catalan, English and French. My Italian is quite decent too. Some years ago, I was also able to have a conversation in German, but I have forgotten most of it; I should dust it off. I've been appointed a couple of times as a candidate for PP-CAT and PP-GAL. Now, I'm also the second candidate for the Spanish Pirate Confederation in the upcoming European Elections (http://piratas2014.eu/candidates/22). I'm currently applying for Vice-Chairperson or Member of the Board in PPEU. The reason for this is that, as you may see above, my profile is quite adequate for an international structure based on the defense of Civil Rights and new technologies. That's why I'm putting these skills at your service. |
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PP-DE | Because PPEU is my baby (in a way) and I want to make sure that it thrives. Right now I'm authorized to work on the creation of the PPEU for the German Pirates and help with European Coordination. I'm also a candidate for the elections of the European Parliament for PP-DE, but due to my position it is not very likely that I will be a Parliamentarian. Therefore I will have the necessary time to take care of PPEU then. | ||
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I am applying to be elected as a Member of the Board (treasurer). I had the opportunity to visit many countries in my life and I can also be found capable of coping with their language. Since my first General Assembly chairman’s job in 2011 in Friedrichshafen, I have accompanied the International Pirates Movement continuously. For the PPEU foundation process I worked in many international conferences since 2012, such as in Prague (CZ), Aarau (CH), Barcelona (CAT), Rome (I), Manchester (GB), Paris (F), Warsaw (PL) and Luxembourg. I have participated at several online-meetings for developing PPEU-Statues and PPEU-Manifesto. Financially I am independent, so I could pay for my expenses on my own. It will be an extraordinary challenge to organize all necessary structures for our new PPEU and would mean a great honor to me to take on this task. I am a professional accountant, so I know what that task means. To unite the international Pirates movement is a challenging goal that will make us stand together. Europe should be a continent without borders – Pirates should work together without borders. Something about me: Within the international movement:
not nominated | |
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PP-DE, PP-LU, PP-SE, PP-RU, PP-KZ | Should the Council decide to elect board members, I would like to put forward my application for one of this positions. I am currently serving in my third term as one of PPI Co-Chairpersons and am certain that having me on the board of PPEU would ensure a close coordination and information exchange that would be of benefit to both organizations. I am running as a candidate for the European Parliament for PP-DE and therefor certain that the position of a board member is the one that I can concentrate on with the due time effort. |
PP-FR | About future : I want to contribute to the Pirates movement at the European level. I have made my best to actively contribute to the PP-EU and other international meetings, and to help fix things when needed. I hope you will give me the occasion to do more, and that we can increase our cooperation and develop the European Pirates idea.
About present : Right now I have no official position in the PP-FR and I plan not to run for one. If I am elected I would be dedicated to the PP-EU work. I speak French, English, and a little bit of Spanish. AFK, I am a computer engineer that develop video games for a living. About past : I joined Pirate Party in 2009. I guided PP-FR into running candidate in its first election where we gathered 2%. Between 2010 and 2012 I have been Board member, Chairman and Co-Chairman. In 2012 we managed to have PP-FR present a hundred candidates to the National Assembly election, and reached more than one thousand members. After the October 2012 internal reform, I progressively disengaged from PP-FR, and focused on animating the International team and contribute to PP-EU. |
Stathis Leivaditis | PP-GR | The English “pirate” is derived from the Greek word “πειρατής” (peiratēs) and this in turn from the verb “πειράομαι” (peiráomai), “I attempt”, which is a derivative of the noun “πείρα” (peîra), “experience”. Coming from the depths of the centuries, the word “pirate” took on another dimension in our days. The ruling classes saw pirates as rebels and hated them. Rebels without a state, they were not submissive to any law, except from the laws they instituted themselves, improvising together. This is the feeling of a Pirate: when something doesn’t work, you have to attempt to bring a new concept. Sometimes it goes beyond a certain point and perhaps exceeds certain limits, because it is an expression of challenge; the challenge to change the system. I’m a member of the Board and a member of the press team of Pirate Party of Greece, former journalist, now a free lancer. I'm in the team of Pirate Times from the start, I joined voluntarily and consciously because I am interested to meet pirates from around the world, to exchange views and spread the pirate spirit. I am also running as a candidate for the European Parliament for PP-GR. | ||
Antonios Motakis | PP-GR |
I joined the Pirate Party of Greece as soon as its founding process was announced. I am serving as the party's international coordinator since February 2013, and have represented PP-GR in all European Pirate Party conferences starting from Paris. The European Pirate Party foundation process has inspired me to do more, and I still would like to find ways to help the Pirate movement in Europe. The European Pirate Party is an organization that I believe can make a difference and play a key role in promoting our common goals. I am a bit of an international person: I am a half Greek half German who grew up in Greece, and studied and works in France. I speak Greek, English, German and French. For a living I am a software developer focusing on open source virtualization and embedded systems. My current permanent residence is in Grenoble, France. I enjoy traveling and meeting interesting people, especially for a worthy cause. |
![]() Dario Castañé |
PP-CAT / PP-ESCON | I'm Dario Castañé, Catalan pirate, 28, one of PP-ESCON's campaign coordinators (also one of PP-CAT's IT coordinators).
I'm a sysadmin and a political activist (from information side). As a Pirate, I worked as IT coordinator, programmer of several campaigns, Community Manager, etc. I also wrote some articles and I created my "liquid organizations" proposal, also known as Lýd, based on observation of PP-CAT internal dynamics through three years. Currently I'm PP-ESCON's top candidate (29,31% direct votes, 13% turnout). Outside the pirate movement I've been Basic Income ECI Spanish coordinator, libre culture evangelist (with Qomun, my own libre and free culture directory), etc. I also create and improve free software. I'm a polyglot programmer, with a thing for Go, Ruby and Python. I speak Catalan (C2), Spanish (C2), English (almost C1, CAE exam soon) and French (A2). I'm willing to bring my skills and experience to European Pirates and to collaborate with pirates around the world to bring us to a new organization level, with tools and innovation. |
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![]() Luis Cuerdo |
PP Madrid | I am a freelance translator, my main goal is to improve the mechanisms for a more direct democracy, through communication, participation and collaboration.
The European Pirtate PArty can be very helpful to help extend the pirate movement in Spain and to consolidate the pirate movement in general, I would like to be part of it. Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason. Mark Twain |
Denis Roio
aka Jaromil |
PP Italy | Jaromil is a free software activist and developer of the Dyne.org Foundation. Since the year 2000 his works have focused on computer viruses, piracy, freedom of speech, privacy and independent media practices.
Since 2013 Jaromil covers the role of CTO for the PP-IT and has been elected by its assembly to take care of the party's international affairs. |
![]() Cristian Bulumac |
PP-RO | Currently working in the European Parliament as a telecomunication and space advisor for the political group that includes the Pirates;
I run because I believe that my experience in EP can bring added value to the board of an organisation that is moving towards a EU level impact. |
![]() Tomasz Slowinski |
PP-PL | I'm vice-president of the Polish Pirate Party and an activist in the pirate community. I have extensive political experience - having worked, among others, as advisor to the Polish Minister of Transport and an assistant to a MEP here in Parlamen. I'm going to take part in the elections to the European Parliament on behalf of the Polish Pirate Party. I'm interested in human rights issues and Eastern politics (Eastern Partnership), particularly the relationship with the Ukraine and its possibility of integration with the European Union. Because of my profession I also take interest in the issue of copyright and its reform. As I have always been driven by a great passion in everything I do, I believe I would be an excellent candidate for the Board of the European Pirate Party, being a great representative of not only Poland but also the countries of the so-called New Union! |
![]() Märt Põder |
Basically I'm saying I'm not just a random guy from Estonia and I mean serious business. |
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 PP-BE Coreteam voting pad (via Agenda Coreteam 2014)
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 i2608
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 Young Pirates of Europe board meeting, 13/02/2014 (nominations for the PPEU board)
- ↑ 4,00 4,01 4,02 4,03 4,04 4,05 4,06 4,07 4,08 4,09 4,10 4,11 4,12 4,13 [1]
- ↑ 5,00 5,01 5,02 5,03 5,04 5,05 5,06 5,07 5,08 5,09 5,10 5,11 5,12 [2]
- ↑ 6,00 6,01 6,02 6,03 6,04 6,05 6,06 6,07 6,08 6,09 6,10 [3]
- ↑ Referenzfehler: Es ist ein ungültiger
-Tag vorhanden: Für die Referenz namensPPNO
wurde kein Text angegeben. - ↑ Referenzfehler: Es ist ein ungültiger
-Tag vorhanden: Für die Referenz namensPPPL
wurde kein Text angegeben. - ↑ PP-AT Nomination
- ↑ PP-DE Nomination