International Coordination

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International Coordination - English Textversion
Internationale Koordination - Deutsche Textversion
International Coordination

The Pirate Party envisions itself as part of a global movement. Pirate Parties exist in approximately 40 nations and still counting.

The main task of international coordinators is to stay in touch with our sister parties as well as with PPI and to convey information out of this communication to the Pirate Party Germany and its organs.

IK Website   |   PPI   |   PPI Website   |   International Wiki   |   PPEU   |   Website of PPEU



  • Preparation of motions (national board, PPI, general assembly)
  • Taking care of international guests during party events
  • Participation in meetings (national board, PPI, PPEU)
  • Maintenance and provision of contacts
  • Assistance in international event organisation
  • Brokering of resources
  • Dovetailing with colleagues from sister parties
  • Maintenance of the ticket queue and processing of events
  • Coordination of State Attachées


  • Participation in pirate events with international background
  • Convey of greetings and messages


  • Minutes and reports on events
  • Translation of texts
  • Publishing in the newsletter and the blog
  • Wiki gardening
  • Channeling information in general
  • Members International Coordination
  • Jour fixe
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
NRW-Mumble Room "Internationale Koordination"
Das nächste Arbeitstreffen der Internationale Koordination findet
am 10 September 2024 21:30:00 Uhr im NRW Mumble im Raum International/Piratenpartei_Deutschland/Internationale Koordination statt.