Internationale Koordination/Treffen/2018-10-04

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Mumble-Sitzung 04.10.2018 21:30 Uhr


Mitglieder (dient auch als Kopiervorlage)




  • Insgesamt ca. 3 Teilnehmer


  • Mikuláš Peksa


TOP 1 Formalia

Genehmigung der TO:
so genehmigt


Anträge zur PPI GA

Eigene Anträge:

I. Calculation of Affiliation Fees: 1. The actual HDI[1] of a country is taken as an exponent to 50 to get the basis fee in €. 2. This basis fee is multiplied by following factors:

for each elected pirate on national level times two,
for each elected member of a regional parliament times 1/5,
and for each elected member on a local level times 1/10.

3. These multiplied values are then added to the basis fee.

For the calculation it is non-discriminatory if a pirate is holding a mandate in the executive or legislative branch. Affiliation fee shall not excess 1% of the member's annual income for the previous financial year. Observer membership is not associated with any costs. No member shall contribute more then 20% of all PPI's due fees. The first fees are due the next financial year [2016]. This calculation of Affiliation Fees is valid for following years unless decided otherwise.

This rule applies ex tunc from 01.01.2018.

Einstimmung beschlossen.

II. Old: XII. Board 3) The Board is composed of: a) one Chairperson, b) one Vice-Chairperson, c) five additional Board Members (2a) This rule applies only once: At the next regular session, every secondary seat of the Board and the Alternate Board - according to the number of their previous votes - will be new elected due to establish a rotating system. In case of a tie at the previous votes a decision is taken by drawing lot.

New: XII. Board 3) The Board is composed of: a) one Chairperson, b) one Vice-Chairperson, c) seven additional Board Members

(2b) XII. Board (2a) is invoked once again for the change from five to seven additional board members. This rule applies only once: the two additional members will be elected as follows: one additional board member will be elected for two years, one additional board member will be elected for one year to keep on in the rotating system.

Reasoning: we follow the idea given by PPIL have more people on the board but we like to keep it the way as it is. As simple as it is. If it is applicable at all. It shall follow the current rotating given by the two years (one for 1 year, one for two years).

Einstimmig beschlossen, sprachliche Änderungen dürfen zwecks Einreichung folgen.


Annotation to the Statutes:

It is the responsibility of each member to provide the organisation with the necessary data for the calculation of fees immediately after the end of the year. This goes along with the obligation to pay any affiliation fees in time.

The due date of the fees begins with being invoiced by the organisation or its representatives. The organisation is authorised to collect overdue fees in accordance with all regulations applicable for the respective membership country or else it is agreed upon by international treaties or laws.

Einstimmig beschlossen, sprachliche Änderungen dürfen zwecks Einreichung folgen.

TOP 3 Sonstiges

Es liegt nichts vor.

TOP 4 Nächste Sitzung / Schließung der Sitzung

  • Nächste Sitzung IK am Dienstag, 09.10.2018 um 21:00 Uhr CEST/MESZ.
  • In Anschluss findet die Sitzung des EU19-Teams statt.
  • Schließung der Sitzung um 22.50 Uhr durch ThomasG.

Wer: Internationale Koordination
Wo: Wir treffen uns in Mumble. Link: Mumble.svg
Wann: Di den 09 Oktober 2018 um 21:00
Ansprechpartner: Bastian
Tagesordnung: Pad
Termin eintragen