Bundesparteitag 2010.1/Planung/Internationale Betreuung/Schedule

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Der Vorschlag soll einen übersichtlicheren Zeitplan für die internationalen Gästen enthalten und Termine außerhalb des BPT sinnvoll ordnen.


The definite order of business will be adopted by the plenary assembly. The current provisional agenda is shown in the table below. We will provide you with som extra sessions especially for international guests. Furthermore the probably most interesting sessions for international guests ar marked by orange color.

date & time national schedule schedule for international guests
Friday, May 14th 2010
18:00 to 21:00 Bursar's session, an assembly of all German treasurers (held in German but guests are welcome) Extraordinary general assembly of Pirates without Borders [1] 20:00-21:30 CEST
21:00 to open Opening of the assembly hall for overnighters international gettogether

International guests, the international coordination of PPDE and volounteers come together in a non-formal environment. Topics of the evening will mostly be about learning names, faces and adjusting to the place.

Saturday, May 15th 2010
09:00 to 11:00 Start of accreditation and opening of the congress by the national board. Election of the positions for the congress, such as chairman, recorder. Election of election administrator and volunteers. Discussion and passing of rules of procedure, schedule. Introduction and keynote to the principles of liquid democracy and the implemented tool LiquidFeedback.

We'd like to diskuss usecases for innerparty-politics, how it is related to core-principles of pirate all over the world and we'd love to find out if you are up to try a liquid democracy implementation in your own party or organisation.

10:00 to 16:00 Discussion and voting of amendments to the party program .
16:00 to 18:00 First amendments regarding the composition of the board or the arbitrary court and financial regularities.
18:00 to 20:00 Introduction of the candidates for the board and further discussion of statute amendments and miscellaneous amendments.
20:00 to 21:00 Deferral to Sunday
21:00 to open Pirate-Party boat ride or chill-out area in the hall
Sunday, May 16th 2010
09:00 to 13:00 The congress will be reopened. Reading of the statements of accounts of the board and discharge. Election of the new board. The discharge, introduction and election of candidates for arbitrary court takes place in the second half of this session.
13:00 to 17:30 (end) Discussion and ratification-process of the statutes for the Pirate Parties International and further discussion of statute amendments and miscellaneous amendments.