Benutzer:Daniel Mietchen/English

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Daniel Mietchen als Pirat.png
Oeffentlicher Wissenschaftler.svg Dieser Pirat ist ein öffentlicher Wissenschaftler
Wordpress-logo.png Dieser Pirat hat einen Blog: EvoMRI @Science 3.0 and another one:
FriendFeed.png Dieser Pirat diskutiert auf Friendfeed: Daniel Mietchen
Twitterlogo newbird boxed whiteonblue.png Dieser Pirat ist auf Twitter: EvoMRI
Tango-mail-closed.svg Schreibe diesem Pirat: E-Mail

I am Daniel — a biophysicist trying to be an open scientist. As such, many of my activities take place online, particularly in wikis.

Thematic focus

Piratewise, the following issues are of interest to me (mainly from the perspective of science and research, but also beyond these):

  • How can we adapt our historically evolved structures (e.g. those concerning decision making, research and learning) to the web era?
  • How can we cope with limited resources on our planet, such that following generations are not severely limited by our use thereof?


  1. Research and science policy
  2. Sustainability (Coordinator, together with SteffiNenz)
  3. Pirate Parties International (my user page)