AG Europa/Platform
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Vision for Europe
The EU-Sixpack, passed at the Federal Party Convention 2013.1 in Neumarkt.
Today's European Union as a supranational institution is a project of its member states rather than of its citizens. PIRATES hold the opinion that the future of Europe ought to be organised on the common interests of all European citizens, rather than the special interests of a single member state. The democratic deficit within the European Union has existed since the beginning and has not sufficiently been addressed in the course of the integration process. The primary goal of all PIRATES will be to fix this and to build a solid democratic foundation for the European Union. In order to achieve that goal it will be crucial to design political processes that are more citizen-friendly and to create a common European cultural space. Political decisions at European level need to be preceded by Europe-wide debates - allowing for adequate participation of all. Without equal, non-discriminating communication adequate participation will not come into existence; hence, no proper decisions representing the general public interest may be taken. The internet as a new sphere of communication offers tremendous opportunities, providing the possibility for political development, helping to overcome political top-down, one-way communication, and breaking the dominance of the mass media. PIRATES will therefore defend the freedom of the internet with fierce determination at the European level as well as on the global scale.
Democracy add-on for Europe
PIRATES demand the convocation of a constituent assembly (Constitutional Convention) for the European Union. The aim of the Constitutional Convention will be to restructure the political system of the EU and its relations to the member states and regions, thus establishing a truly democratic foundation. The process to create this must be transparent and include the European citizens in a comprehensive manner. The members of this assembly are to be elected democratically and should represent the cultural diversity of the Union. All citizens will then hold a vote on the compiled draft of the constitution across the Union at the same time. PIRATES also demand that citizens should be able to take part in votes all over the EU, in order to influence European legislation. They should be able to suggest changes to legislation or stop European laws in the making by means of a "citizens' initiative". This European Citizens' Initiative must be easy to use and free of charge. Changes in EU- contracts or the constitution of the EU may only come into effect if a majority of EU-citizens approve in a simultaneous vote across the EU. The EU-executive must see to it that these votes can be conducted even on short notice. The present EU legislation is dominated by the executive branch / the European Commission / at the expense of the legislative / the European Parliament. PIRATES demand to readjust the separation of powers, favoring the legislative branch. Therefore, the initiative- and decision- making power of the European Parliament should be broadened.
European Economic and Monetary Union
The European Union is currrently experiencing its worst crisis since foundation. The common currency (the Euro) has not functioned as an engine for further integration. The blatant conceptional flaws of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) are further contributing to the imbalances among Euro-member states which surfaced in the recent economic and financial crisis. One-sided European rescue policies; in particular the austerity measures such as cuts in pensions, wages and social benefits, are a slap in the face to all citizens: the poor crisis management results in the socialisation of losses and privatisation of gains, while widening the economic and social division between and within member states. What is more, this type of crisis-management constitutes an undemocratic setback for the European integration process. PIRATES strictly reject the massive financing of public debt with dubious value through the European Central Bank (ECB) or the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).
In order to effectively solve the European debt crisis, PIRATES demand timely, single measure-haircuts, effective restructuring and, if necessary, recapitalisation of ailing banks. Should - following a consequent involvement of owners - the equity ratio still be too low, the respective bank may be stabilised by converting borrowed capital into own funds. As last resort, the socialisation of the concerned banks may be considered; however only if insolvency must be avoided for fear of devastating overall economic consequences. In order to soften the shock of drastic social cuts, investments of small scale savers, pension funds and life insurances ought to be guaranteed up to a reasonsable fixed limit.
The European Union cannot survive without solidarity. PIRATES demand that economically weak member states are supported by means of a "Marshall-Plan" - an investment and development programme to boost short-term economic activity and strengthen long-term growth.
Our goal is the reorganisation and modernisation of european economies towards an energy-efficient and resource-conserving economic structure. In order to restore the rule of law and market-oriented principles within the EU, the necessary rescue measures for financial institutions and governments must come under independent scrutiny and, if necessary, should be reversed. Disclosure of all corresponding transactions is crucial here.
The partly criminal conduct of the financial sector - in combination with insufficient banking regulation and supervision within the EU - has proven to be harmful to the common good, and constitutes the major reason for the financial crisis PIRATES call for an effective European supervisory mechanism independent from the ECB and allowing it to identify and efficiently inhibit credit excesses in a timely fashion. For the further stabilisation of the European banking sector the effective separation of "Investment Banking" from other business activity (separate banking system) must be made mandatory by law. To ensure independence of the Eurozone from the whims of US rating agencies and international financial markets, PIRATES call for the immediate foundation of an independent European rating agency.
PIRATES regard the increasing interference of the European Commission into budgetary policies of single member states as a violation of the democratic principle and an imminent danger for the economic development and the process of European integration. Consequently, PIRATES reject the fiscal pact as an intervention into budgetary sovereignty of member states without democratic legitimation. Further steps towards Eurozone integration imperatively require increased democratic legitimation, proper accountability and more effective parliamentary control.
European Energy Policy
A functional European internal market for energy must be geared to security of supply, resource protection, consumer benefits and competitiveness. The yet incomplete structure of the existing EU-internal energy market ought to be adjusted to the challenges Europe faces in the sectors of energy and climate protection. PIRATES advocate decentralized integration of the energy market in the European Union, favoring a wide range of small and medium-sized energy providers. Only a decentralized energy market can guarantee affordable and stable energy supply for households and businesses; hence PIRATES lobby for net-neutrality within the European energy infrastructure. Independent, consumer-friendly, energy networks will lead the way to break up the actual oligopolistic structures of the European energy market and strengthen the rights of consumers.
PIRATES defend the agreed climate goals of the EU. Successful reduction of global warming gases will only be possible with a mix of energy efficiency, an improved system for emissions trading at the European level, and strong support for renewable energy. We favor stronger cooperation and joint investments into the European energy infrastructure. State-subsidies for fossil or nuclear energy, including legal liability waivers for nuclear power plants, are counterproductive to the changes we want to happen; they inhibit a climate friendly and largely self-sufficient energy supply in Europe.
PIRATES demand the abolishment of all subsidies and aid in favor of any fossil or nuclear energy-production. Transparent pricing and disclosure of the mix of energy sources is a pre-requisite for a functional, consumer-controlled energy market. Only then, European consumers can take informed decisions what and where to buy - according to their individual preferences.
PIRATES demand a mandatory and European-wide commitment of the energy suppliers to present the relevant data barrier-free. In the implementation-process of the European internal energy market, state of the art, net-supported technologies ( SmartGrid ) will play a key-role. Admittedly, the detailed documentation of individual energy use does involve a certain risk of abuse. Hence, highest data safety standards must be respected.
Digital Agenda for Europe
The digital revolution changes the social and economic structures throughout Europe. Free and equal access to the internet is the basic requirement for participation in digital life. PIRATES wish to include the right to “digital participation” in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. We strongly support the European-wide development of a state of the art communication- infrastructure by the EU. Our goal is to provide access to broadband for everyone in the EU. The principle of network-neutrality must become European law to ensure strong incentives for investment, fair competition and equal treatment of everyone in the digital space. While networks are improved and modernized, any monopoly over the communication- infrastructure must be avoided.
The internet as a communicative space knows no borders. PIRATES consider artificial national barriers for cultural goods within the European internal market as a hindrance for the European integration process and demand their abolishment. Overall, a change of approach is required in the area of rights to immaterial goods and their restrictive enforcement. Further monopolies in the sectors of information and culture have to be prevented. By law, the state should only allow or maintain monopoly rights for immaterial goods if these are not conflicting with the general interest. Any monopoly-rights must be temporarily limited; neither their time-span nor their scope may be changed retrospectively.
The creation of so-called “commons”, such as free software, free cultural goods, open patent pools and free, open education must be promoted and legally protected.
Social life, increasingly taking place in digital spaces, must not be restricted by rights to immaterial goods. “Fair-Use Regulations” will ensure that. We demand European standards for copyright contracts to strengthen the position of creators versus processing and collecting entities and create a balance in the interest of the general public.
European collecting societies must ensure comprehensive transparency and fair participatory rights for their members.
Beyond that, we advocate a common European data protection legislation which guarantees the highest standards of data protection, especially for consumers. At the very least, such standards must match the existing national levels of protection. Any reform of the European data protection law has to prioritize data avoidance and informational self-determination. This holds especially true for data-collection, data-processing and data-sharing by public entities.
In this context, PIRATES demand the introduction of effective, European-wide sanction-powers, including deterring fines, for the European Data Protection Supervisor and the data protection agencies of member states. The independence of data protection agencies must be assured at all times.
PIRATES reject international trade agreements, such as “ACTA”, which contradict the aforementioned principles on immaterial goods and data protection. We demand an end to all plans and laws putting almost all and every citizen under general, criminal suspicion. Laws and regulations in that sense - such as indiscriminate data retention - must be abolished.
European Policy on Internal Affairs and Security
PIRATES propose a fundamental reform of the EU-policy on refugees and asylum. Any “full boat” ideology is unacceptable. The European approach must be based on the acknowledgement of human rights and fully respect the Geneva Convention on Refugees and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
All member-states must accept refugees and asylum-seekers according to their capacity. No individual member-state should be left alone with the financial, logistic and administrative burden; European solidarity is called for instead. “Frontex”, the Agency for the control of EU-borders, which often violates international law and human rights, is an incarnation of the European Union's misanthropic exclusion policy. PIRATES demand to dismantle the Agency altogether.
EU-neigbourhood-policy and EU-development policy must be geared towards lasting improvement of living conditions and focus on the promotion of human rights in all partner -countries and -regions. We denounce all tendencies to create a repressive apparatus of survey and control in Europe.
The planned and indiscriminate use of drones is a fatal aberration. Except for restrictively defined and exceptional cases, PIRATES oppose the deployment of any drones in the EU on principle.
European Traffic Policy
PIRATES view mobility as a fundamental right. Sustainable traffic policy, however, must find better solutions than the use of individual cars, while all the negative and environmentally harmful effects are loaded on the society. We support the reduction of road-based traffic in the context of multi-modal traffic planning, while emission-free urban mobility is the supreme goal.
On European level, PIRATES demand that all carriers and systems of transport shoulder a fair share of the overall costs, based on the costs-by-cause principle.
PIRATES regard interconnectedness of traffic infrastructure and the extension of trans-European railway-corridors, as a substantial contribution to the process of European integration. Harmonization of technical standards, reduction of administrative hurdles, and suitable complementary construction are indispensable requirements for the creation of a common European traffic system.
PIRATES consider the transport of goods via shipping and rail as trendsetting. The extension of transnational traffic lines for cargo is a primary goal. Decisive shift of traffic volume to railways will be essential to meet environmental requirements, relieve the road networks and optimize the capacity of all transport-systems. The promotion of pan-European inland-water transport will offer an ecologically sound alternative to transport of cargo on roads. The capacities of shipping are to be expanded on the European level, while decent technical standards must be made mandatory also for ships registered outside the EU.
PIRATES demand a unification of European airspace, to increase security and efficiency and to allow for innovative routing. Reduction of noise, pollution and environmental damage is a central goal of the PIRATES' air traffic policy. We demand the standardization and expansion of passenger rights, in particular in the area of data protection. PIRATES also support the use of suitable communication- technologies so that traffic may be avoided as much as possible.
Passed at the Federal Party Convention 2012.2 in Bochum.
Strengthening of Agriculture
We lobby for a powerful, regionally adjusted agriculture, where even small farm-holders can participate on equal terms, while their competitiveness is assured in the framework of sustainable husbandry and growing consumer awareness for ecologically sound production. Farmers and their associations, jointly with food wholesalers, nature and animal protection associations, certifiers of food-seals and representatives of consumers, including politicians, should get together and negotiate in full transparency the conditions, possibilities and optimal implementation of that approach.
Consumer's Choice
Agricultural businesses should not suffer from price-pressure dictated by some large food wholesalers and the processing industry. Neither should agricultural policy primarily aim at growth, without consideration of sustainability and the needs and preferences of consumers.
Industrial Animal Production
We oppose industrial mass-breeding of livestock. That practice undercuts the quality of life of all of us, in particular in the rural areas. IAP also comes along with inacceptable standards in keeping and treatment of animals and endangers traditional rural farming. We defend the rights to proper treatment of all farm animals. We want to adjust the standards for laying-hens and the entire process of fowl-keeping; in particular we criticize that the floor-area available in stables for cockerels and turkeys is too small. The proper need for space has to be defined and checked by experts and to be improved where necessary. Holding of “artiodactyls” has to be adjusted in accordance with a decent ratio of cattle / acre. Healthy and ecologically-sustainable animal stock can only be guaranteed if the production of feeds and environmentally friendly utilization of excrements are in line with available space and a complete nutrient-cycle. Laws and regulations have to be applied consequently and compliance controlled more strictly.
Natural Resources
Agriculture should conserve, rather than endanger natural resources and ecological balance. Seeds, whether bred genetically or conventionally to be resistant against pesticide, may cause particular harm for the environment when they are introduced to virgin ecological systems. Plants bred for resistance will only work in conjunction with specifically adjusted pesticides. Thus, farmers are often forced to use specific pesticides produced by monopolistic companies. This constraint will lead to a direct dependence on the owners of rights of seeds and pesticides. We reject this forced combination of seeds and pesticides and their protection through patents.
Agricultural Subsidies
PIRATES oppose the allocation of public money in the form of agricultural subsidies without reciprocal contributions in sectors such as the protection of climate, environment, nature, animals and biodiversity. If subsidies are granted at all, effects in terms of potential benefits and added value for consumers and society must be regularly evaluated and grants adjusted accordingly - at both EU and national level. Our long-term goal is to abolish all agricultural subsidies. In order to protect agri-businesses against sudden elimination, decreasing adjustment should be applied over a transition-period, while payments are being limited to a decent amount per individual farmer.
Pirate Call for Europe
We, the members of the Pirate Party Germany, are well aware of the significance of the European unification process for the establishment of peace, freedom, prosperity and constitutional legality on this continent. We do realize, that those achievements are neither self-evident, nor guaranteed. They do require constant defence and definition by the citizens of Europe. Against this background we see the crisis of the Euro, the ever growing government deficit and the difficulties faced by the European institutions to ensure political and economical stability and social security with great concern. We fear that these problems are shaking the European idea to its very core.
The current form of the European Union fails to allow adequate democratic control by its citizens, and thereby fails to achieve broad backing from the population. At the same time broad parts of national sovereignty are assigned to the EU.Through this development, democracy and together with it, the European unification are endangered to subtly disappear as central cultural achievements.
As part of a transnational political movement, whose sphere of communication knows no national borders, we see ourselves in a special responsibility to ensure the continued existence of the European idea. And to further develope it under especial consideration of the historically based cultural differences. Though we can't and don't want to achieve this alone.
Thus we call upon all European Pirate Parties, all European parties and with special emphasis all Europeans in general, to intensely engage questions of the institutional future of Europe. And to place a special attention towards the possibility of a democratic constitutional state, realized through a common constitution. A state that places the citizen in the centre of all its actions - a Europe of the people and the regions.
In the light of the political challenges we face (sustainability of this planets resources, social security and equity, ecology, taxation and fiscal policy as well as digital rights and net policies) which can't be solved adequately on the level of a nation-state. In this light we call on all pirat parties, to construct and improve on the necessary structures to develop and coordinate supranational political positions with widest involvement of all pirat party members.