AG Europa/PSI Konsultation
Hier sind die Beispielantworten zur Konsultation An on-line survey on the Public Service Information Directive. In dieser Konsultation geht es um die Veröffentlichung und Nutzung von Daten öffentlicher Stellen.
Es sind nur Beispielantworten/Argumentlisten für die Textfragen angegeben, da die Multiple-Choice Auswahlmöglichkeiten recht straightforward sind.
Es sei besonders auf die Multiple-Choice Frage unter Article 5 hingewiesen: Bitte auf "yes" klicken für den maschinenlesbaren Staat.
Article 1
Currently, the PSI Directive is not applicable to information held by cultural, educational and research establishments and public service broadcasters. In your opinion, as far as information is not covered by third party intellectual property rights (excluded in any case from the scope of the PSI Directive), should the Directive apply to information held by ...
Could you please indicate reasons for or against the inclusion of information held by these establishments? What would be the benefits / difficulties if the scope was extended to cover such information? Are there certain data sets, if not all, held by these establishments that could be valuable for developing new services or applications and that should be made available to re-use? (optional)
Article 3
Do you think that all public sector information which is already publicly accessible should also be re-usable?
- agree strongly
In your opinion, what would be the advantages / disadvantages of this?
Article 6
What would be the benefits of charging based on marginal costs? What could be the disadvantages?
General Issues
What are the remaining barriers to re-use (availability of information, charging, licensing conditions, etc.)?
Would you have any other comments or input that you wish to give regarding the review of the PSI Directive?
- Schweden als Vorbild für Europa